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A historia de Arogya Earth

A love between

Portugal & India

The Story of Ārogya Earth

Our ambition is to offer the best of Ayurveda and Nature to everyone who recognises the importance of living a natural, non-artificial, healthy lifestyle in the modern age. We were born out of a commitment to health and environmental welfare, as well as a bond between Portugal and India. 

Ayurveda, also known as the "Science of Life," is the founding concept behind Arogya Earth. At the core of Ārogya Earth's philosophy on health and wellness is the Sanskrit word "Ārogya", which describes a state of total bodily, mental, and spiritual well-being. As a result, every item in our collection has been carefully chosen, down to the very ingredients. 

With an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle and drawing from the Ayurvedic routine known as Dinacharya, we offer an extensive assortment of all-natural cosmetics, supplements, spices, and teas, as well as select decorative objects crafted from traditional materials. All products are picked and sourced from all over Europe and the world, but they all share an Ayurvedic inspiration, natural and organic ingredients, and are never tested on animals.

Our reason for being and our duty to humanity and the planet

Our primary objective is to share the joys of a more natural lifestyle with as many people as possible. Everything we offer, from the ingredients to the finished products, is 100% natural, with no artificial ingredients, preservatives, or synthetic flavours, aromas, or colours. We do not endorse or offer items that include harmful, artificial, or non-natural substances or are produced in a way that is not ecologically sustainable. 

Meet the founders

Ārogya Earth was founded at the beginning of the pandemic by Diana Leite and Arjun Singh, with roots in India and Portugal.

Diana Leite

Diana's passion for Ayurveda began in 2008, when she graduated in Ayurveda and put down roots in the rich world of Ayurveda. During the pandemic, this love was given new life in an even more intense way, and the need for change and movement brought a greater importance to physical and mental health management.

Arjun Singh

Arjun is an artist at heart, a lawyer by accident, and a professional with experience in the retail and hospitality industries. His passion for nature and his desire to provide tangible value allow him to ensure that everything we offer is risk-free, all-natural and ethically sourced.

They both started studying and deepening their knowledge of Ayurveda, and then created daily Ayurvedic routines for themselves, which they began to apply in their lives, and thus the first embryonic idea of Ārogya Earth was born. The goal was clear: to bring out the best that mother nature has to offer and, being one of them of Indian origin, this exotic union was born.

Nosso Mantra

Our Mantra

Mother Nature gives us plants and herbs to help us heal, and we give her love and respect in return.

Do you need any help?

Contact us

Ãrogya - Sociedade Unipessoal Lda

Rua Afonso Galo, 37 R/C ESQ

2800 - 664 Almada, Portugal

hello@arogya.earth or (+351) 91 022 61 63